February 2, 2019 February-2-2019
February 2, 2019 Bears Meeting
Those present: John Carver, Alan Eborn, KenYellen, Rick Sterling, Randy Shepherd, Shirley Rex, Jocelyn Nield, Keven Nield, Linda Roberts, Mikel McNeal.
Net control operators for February were assigned:
2nd Alan
9th Shirley
16th Linda
23rd Keven
Randy Shepherd conducted the meeting. He will be having an informal chat each Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. on 146.540.
Keven gave an IRLP demonstration.
There are 2 IRLP nodes in the valley.
Keven’s 146.480 PL 100
Eldon’s 147.500 PL 100
There are 2 types of operation:
Point to point
Node to node—many people can hear and talk.
Reflector status-many nodes connected to a central reflector.
From the IRLP status page you can connect to any nodes listed.
Steps for IRLP usage:
1. 146.480 PL 100
2. Status.IRLP.net choose node.
3. Key Mic.-4 digit code.
4. Wait until squelch drops out.
5. Key mic.-give 2 seconds before speaking.
6. Have conversation.
7. Disconnect-push PTT and hold, type in 73 to disconnect