March Meeting March-3-2018
March 3, 2018 General Meeting
In attendance: Bob Lucas, Rick Sterling, Craig Thomas, Alan Eborn, Jake Waker, Delar Cheney, Shirley, Linda Roberts, Eldon and Jan Kearl and Keven and Jocelyn Nield. Mikel McNeil, came later.
The Tech class on March 17th was discussed, and club members signed up to teach segments. The class will begin at 8:00 a.m. and finish about 4:00 p.m. with the test be given around 3:00 p.m..
The first Saturday of April, April 7, 2018, we will be building antennas at Alan’s shop up Paris Canyon. It will begin at 10:00 a.m..
Bob talked about his experience with Win Link in the past. He stressed that we will need a TNC to use Win Link and showed two TNCs. One was a Tiny Track 4 by Byonics. The Tiny track4 has to be programmed on a computer.
Keven did a demonstration on Win Link. He showed a short video and then retrieved an e mail sent to him by Bob using the radios. He tried to retrieve an e mail from his daughter in Logan but the antenna being used was not strong enough to connect to the diga repeater. Keven showed us a Signal Link TNC with the cable for &130.00 on Amazon. Alan mentioned that Buxxcon have TNCs for a reasonable price.
Rick gave us very useful function instructions for the Wouxun KG UV6D and the Wouxun KG UV8D. We practiced using the functions on those two radios.