March Meeting March-4-2017
Keven read the financial report. Then Eldon brought in a go box that he built with a solar charger that will charge the battery for the radio. It also has plugins for a radio, a phone charger and a washer on top of the box for a mag mount antenna. I was very impressive. For the rest of the meeting, Randy Shephard talked to us about what we need to be ready for a nuclear attack. How to help our families and what we need to do to stay healthy. For announcements, The Utah Digital Communications Conference will be March 25, 2017 in Sandy, Utah. For more information go to The WIMU Hamfest will be June 16-18, 2017 at the Garden City Fire Station. For more information go to The Idaho State ARRL Convention will be in Boise on April 21-23,2017. For more information go to Our meeting next monthly meeting will not be April 1. We will let you know when it will be.