January Meeting January-4-2014
The January meeting of the BEARS club met January 4th at the Montpelier Fire Station. Those attending were: Mark, David, Tyler, Cristina, Joe, LeAnne, Eldon, Jan, Keven Jocelyn, Shirley,Steve and Gary. The minutes were read and approved. Steve gave a financial report. We currently have $3,615.39 in the club account. Steve asked for ideas on what the club members would like to pursue during the coming year. The ideas that were brought up were: a fox hunt. Learn to do message forums on the net. Brief training topics on the net. Build an arrow antennas or other types of antennas. Run tech nets. Have some meetings on Fridays and invite Gene Troy to demonstrate HF NVIS antennas. Mock radio emergency training. Set up a couple ham radios at a Scout Jamboree. Remote control for cars and planes. Show TV with images. Have a Ham Radio Open House and follow ups for those that are interested in Ham Radio. See if we can set up a Ham Radio club on the High School. Set up a Scholarship fund for high school students. More information on how to assemble go-to kits. Have an information class after the regular meetings. Change meeting times to see if we can get more people to come out.
We are having an open house at the Montpelier Fire Station February 1, 2014 at 10am. We will have 4 stations for people to visit.
Keven will continue to get member to run the net on Saturday nights.