April Meeting April-13-2013
The minutes from March were read and approved. Keven read an email from Keven Reeves about changes in the Lotoja as a result of the two fatalities last year. He also told about an email from Mickey Applebaum, asking for five stations from the Bears club to help with the Tour de Cure race to be held on June 22. Those stations will need to be at: the LDS Church in Liberty, the rest stop at bottom of Minnetonka Cave Rd., the rest stop at the top of Minnetonka Cave Rd., the rest stop on North Beach just before the junction to East Beach, and the turnaround at the Utah border.
Keven broke the news that Gaylen and Eileen would be moving and a new vice president would be needed. Keven proposed having a point system to encourage Ham Radio involvement with prizes for those with the three highest scores.
Eldon told about the Utah Shakeout on April 17th and the need to have an operator their on that day to check in.
John gave out cards for his web site which is designed to give information on events and activities in the valley.
Training class and a booth at the County Fair were discussed.
We had a light breakfast bar and made Yagi Directional antennas for a fox hunt which will be held in June.