January Meeting January-4-2013
The BEARS meeting was held January 4, 2013 at the Montpelier Fire Station. Those attending were Steve Nate, Gaylan Roberts, Joe Larsen, Mark Pope, Shirley Rex, Delar Chaney, Allan Eborn, Steven Hammond, Keven and Jocelyn Nield, Eldon and Jan Kearl , and new radio operators, John and Sarah Lusk.
Keven KE7LVH, opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. Steve Nate reported on club finances. The 2012 ending balance was $2,927, with a $224.00 deposit yet to be deposited and &$94.00 received at the meeting.
Keven talked about plans for the 2013 monthly meetings. Eldon suggested a power point presentation using SKYPE at one of the meetings.
A motion to change the monthly meeting to the first Saturday in each month at 10:00 a.m. passed. This will take effect in February.
Keven read us an article called Things We Learned From Hurricane Sandy.
Go Kits were shown and explained by: Keven, Steve Hammond, Eldon, Alan, and Gaylan.
Keven reminded us that radio operators pass information only. We do not make the decisions.