Feb Meeting February-20-2012
Bears Meeting February 3, 2012
Keven opened the meeting and told about the weather spotting program on April 25th, 7:00 p.m. at the fire station which will take the place of the May meeting. He led a discussion and presented a power point on radio etiquette. He covered Ethics and Operating for the Ham Radio. Amateur operators should be considerate, loyal, progressive, friendly, balanced and patriotic. Rick discussed using OST to pass along information to other radio operators.
Keven covered chapter 1 of the Emergency Communications Hand Book dealing with developing relationships and attitude. Attitude is everything.
Alan gave us the web address to have our transcripts forwarded when we finish our emergency training. Idahoprepares.gov-fema
We discussed different activities for training on the nets. Round tables, trivia questions and having operators change to the Western Intertie were suggested.
Gaylen suggested having a ham lending library. He showed his Go Kit and talked about the electric wheel chair battery he uses for it.
Rick asked if anyone had an interest in an advanced receiver class.
We voted on the bylaw wording change. The paid members in attendance were Rick Sterling Eldon Kearl, Jan Kearl, Steve Nate, Bill Stock, Keven Nield, Jocelyn Nield, Gary Roberts, DeWayne Gifford, Gaylen Roberts and Eileen Roberts. All voted in the affirmative.